
Return to Public Masses

June 26th, 2020

Morning Masses will resume on Tuesday 30th June at 9.15am in Mullagh Church and 10am Mass in Miltown Church. Weekend Masses will resume on the weekend of 4th/5th July.
We will have an outside speaker if people want to hear Mass in the Church yard. Mass in Mullagh & Miltown Church will be live on the webcam. and and they will also be recorded and can be viewed back.

Weekday Mass times:
Mullagh Church Tuesday to Thursday at 9.15am.
First Friday Mass at 9.15am
Miltown Church Tuesday to Thursday at 10am
First Friday Mass at 10am
For the moment we will go with Mullagh Church for Mass on Saturday evenings at 7.30pm. We will review how things go and look at the other two Churches as things develop.

Weekend Masses: Miltown on Saturday at 6pm
Mullagh Saturday at 7.30pm
Moy Sunday at 10am
Miltown Sunday at 12.15pm

Annagh N.S.

June 19th, 2020

We have re-scheduled our 6th Class Graduation Service for Tuesday the 30th June in Mullagh Church at 7pm, in anticipation of our Churches being allowed to re-open after the 28th. We hope our pupils will have the opportunity to participate.
If our Churches do not get permission to re-open, we will go ahead via the Webcam in Mullagh Church on that night.

Return to Public Masses

June 19th, 2020

Morning Masses will resume on Tuesday 30th June at 9.15am in Mullagh Church and 10am Mass in Miltown Church. Weekend Masses will resume on the weekend of 4th/5th July.
We warmly welcome everybody back. We are concerned for the safety of everybody so at a recent Pastoral Council meeting we decided on the following safety measures:

Hand sanitisers are available at each church. We ask you to avail of these as you enter the Church.
We ask you to adhere to social distancing by being aware of the signs on the floor.
Families are welcome to sit together, two people per seat from different households (seated on either side of the seat) Stewards will guide you to your place.
Eucharistic Ministers will wear face masks and sanitise hands before giving out Holy Communion.
These measures are to keep everybody safe, we really look forward to welcoming you back.


June 5th, 2020

Congratulations to Ruairi Lafferty on his wonderful achievement in winning Week 5 of Coding Ireland’s Weekly Challenge for primary schools. His game is available on their website for anyone to play.
Annagh N.S. invites all members of our Parish Community to join our end of year Prayer Service, via Mullagh Church Webcam, on Friday 19th June at 7pm.


June 5th, 2020

Annagh National School has been awarded its 7th Green Flag on the theme of Global Citizenship – Energy. This marks fourteen years of the Green Schools programme at the school. The school has received Green Flags for its environmental programmes in the areas of Litter and Waste, Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity, Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste and now Global Citizenship – Energy. As the award ceremony could not be held this year, Green School Officers from An Taisce celebrated the Green Flag award virtually!

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