
Legion of Mary

February 19th, 2021

The Legion of Mary will be on at 7pm on every Tuesday and will be available to view on the webcam from Mullagh Church. We would sincerely love for people to join in with these prayers by tuning in to view our webcam

Christian Mediation

February 19th, 2021

CHRISTIAN MEDITAION COURSE LED BY CAIT on Thursdays of Lent beginning on Thurs Feb 18th 2-230pm  on view webcam.
This is an ancient way of meditation began by the Desert Fathers in the early Christian centuries .
Tune in to learn and experience this beautiful way of prayer /meditation.Any questions  Contact Cait on What’s App 0864534466
Beannacht Mor Oraibh.


February 19th, 2021

Tuesday 9th March Fr. Michael Conway professor of Modern Culture in Maynooth will reflect in the effect of Covid on our World and how it will impact on the future of the Faith Community

Thursday 18th March—Martina Lehane Seehan will give input on Christian Meditation and stilling the mind. More information later…

Christian Mediation

February 16th, 2021

CHRISTIAN MEDITAION COURSE LED BY CAIT on Thursdays of Lent beginning on Thurs Feb 18th 2-230pm  on view webcam. This is an ancient way of meditation began by the Desert Fathers in the early Christian centuries .
Tune in to learn and experience this beautiful way of prayer /meditation.Any questions  Contact Cait on What’s App 0864534466
Beannacht Mor Oraibh.

Thought for the day

February 12th, 2021

Thank you for the special joy I’ve found in loving you.
We have had many sweet yesterdays and I know we have bright tomorrows too!

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