
November – Month of Memory

November is the month we remember our beloved dead. If you would like us to remember your loved ones at Masses during the month, please write your loved ones names on the sheet of paper provided in porches of all the churches and drop it off at the parish office. KILMURRY IBRICKANE PARISH OFFICE Will [...]

Anniversary Masses

We apologies that we are unable to have Anniversary Masses at this time. When it is safe to do so, we will re-schedule all anniversary masses.


We need your Parish contributions at this time. You may leave your Parish Contribution in the Parish Office during the week. We thank you for you support at this time.

Weekday Mass times to view online

Mullagh Church Tuesday to Friday at 9.15am. Miltown Church Tuesday to Friday at 10am Weekend Masses: Miltown on Saturday at 6pm Mullagh Saturday at 7.30pm Miltown Sunday at 12.15pm There will be no 10am Mass in Moy Church and the Lay Led Liturgy in Coore & Quilty Churches have stopped for the moment.

Legion Of Mary

Every Tuesday evening at 7pm the Prayers of the Legion of Mary will be available to view on the webcam from Mullagh Church. Www.kibparish.ie View our Webcam We would sincerely love for people to join in with these prayers by tuning in to www.kibparish.ie view our webcam

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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