
KIB Ladies Club

KIB Ladies Poker Classic – 27th Dec at Cooneys Quilty Tavern at 8pm This will be a Fundraiser for KIB LGFA club activities in 2023! Tickets €30 available from Cooneys, Beatrice’s  or by contact a club officer. Also Kilmurry Ibrickane Ladies Club would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas and a wonderful new year.

A Christmas Message

We the Pastoral Council of KIB join together in wishing you a happy and holy Christmas.  We rejoice with you if your Christmas is that happy time when one is surrounded by family and friends in a spirit of love. We sympathise with you if your Christmas is a sad time.  It can indeed be [...]

Christmas Mass times:

Christmas Eve: Coore Church Childrens Mass: Saturday 24th at 5pm Miltown Church Childrens Mass: Saturday 24th at 7pm Quilty Church: Saturday 24th at 9.15pm – Anniversary Mass for JP Downes Christmas Day: Moy Church: Christmas Day at 9.15am Mullagh Church: Christmas Day at 11am Miltown Church: Christmas Day at 12.15pm

Signed Christmas Mass Bouquets

€5 each are available from Parish Office or Mullagh Church at mass times.  Packs of 6 Christmas Cards €5 also available. All money in aid of Missionvale.


will take place on Sunday 18th December in the Quilty tavern.  Mass and anointing at 12noon followed by meal, music, song and dance.  €15 per person Names to Agnes Ann 065 7087264 or Maura 065 7087044.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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