
Priests Collection

Priests Collection will take place on Saturday 1st October & Saturday 2nd October at all Masses.  Your support is appreciated.

Priests Benevolent Fund

Priests Benevolent Fund Collection takes place Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th September at all Masses.  Your support is appreciated.

Sacristans Collection

Sacristans Collection will take place on Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th August at all Masses.  Your support is appreciated.

Priests August Collection

This collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th August.  All support appreciated.

East Africa Famine

The heightening crisis in Somalia, Ethiopia & Kenya which now has FAMINE status due to a failure in the seasonal rains over the past two years. Up to 12 million people are at risk, more than half of them children. People are moving from their homes, the emergence of serious levels of malnutrition, the sale and death of livestock. Trócaire is funding ten drought response projects in the region. This weekend we ask your support through financial aid. As you leave church, you will have an opportunity to share your generosity. Many thanks.

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