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Scropul National School 1860—2012

The Board of Management and Staff of Scropul national School extend a Céad Mile Fáilte to you to join with us at The Bellbridge House Hotel, Spanish Point on Saturday 9 June at 8pm to officially launch our historical book “Scropul N.S. 1860—2012”. The book will officially be launched by Fr. Tim Tuohy. Music and refreshments will be provided on the night. Pre-orders will be taken for our book. A live outside broadcast by RCB will be held from Scropul National School on Wednesday 6 June from 6-7pm, talking about the official launch of the historical book. Pre-orders for the book can be registered with Ann on 065 7087630 or 087 9742791

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Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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