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Mullagh Tidy Towns

T.J. O Loughlin

Patricia Torpey

Noel Moroney

John Joe Hassett

On the 27th of April 2011 a meeting was held by Mullagh Tidy Village Committee. There was a large attendance at the meeting where it was discussed that the Village needed a large improvement such as, properties to be painted, part of street to be tarred by Clare County Council, Flowers and trees to be planted around pump and Church and a tidy up of village in general. It was also decided to re-enter the Tidy Village Competition for 2011 which had been last entered in 2008, when the late Marie Sexton R.I.P. had done great work increasing the marks and appearance every year. We get great help & co-operation from Fás workers under the supervision of Nuala Shanahan.

The following are a list of members: Mart Ita Scales, Mary Ann Scales, John Joe Killeen, Donal Markham, Paul Sexton, Gerard Frawley, Eileen Griffin, Margaret (Mags) Cunningham, Tim Donnellan & Billy Merriman will give advice on flowers and tree planting. All suggestions welcome and appreciated.

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