BUGGY BUDDIES is a physical activity programme for parents, childminders, grandparents and their little ones. It will start at 11am on Tuesday 12th October in Vandeleur Gardens, Kilrush and it will run for 6 weeks. The cost for the 6 sessions is €15. Each session consists of 40 minutes cardio exercises and 20 minutes bodyweight exercises. This social programme includes a range of activities and it caters for all fitness levels. It is a great way to meet others and there is an opportunity for tea/coffee after the sessions.
MEN ON THE MOVE is a free programme funded by HSE, targeting men over 35. It includes walking, a personal trainer, speakers and healthcare professionals. It will start on Tuesday 12th October and it will run for 10 weeks every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7.45pm for 1 hour.
Contact pat@claresports.ie or 0876471671 for more details on both programmes.