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We have a Donate button now on our www.kibparish.ie Webpage. For anyone that would like to Donate to the Parish this way, just click what collection your would like to donate to, Parish Funds , Priest Collection or Other collections – Mass Offerings: Anniversary/Month’s Mind Masses, Special Intentions,  Bishops Conference,  Education Fund,  Sick & Retired Priests Fund,  Trócaire,  Mission Sunday,  Mullagh Hall,  Lourdes Invalid Fund,  Church Flowers,  Sacristan Coore -  Sacristan Mullagh  - Sacristan Quilty,  Parish Fundraising Projects  Sr. Ethel Normoyle Foundation. You can choose to make a once-off donation, or a weekly,  monthly, quarterly or annual contribution.
All donations are used for the day to day running of our Parish. These funds supplement our traditional weekly Basket & Development Fund collections.
All cumulative donations to Parish Funds, Priests Collections & Other Collections totalling €250 in a calendar year are eligible for tax rebate. €250 is effectively increased to €362 at no extra cost to you.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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