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Masses Times

Morning & Weekend Masses will be available for people to view online in Kilmurry Ibrickane Parish and Miltown Malbay Parish.
www.kibparish.ie and www.miltownmalbayparish.ie and they will also be recorded and can be viewed back.

Weekday Mass times:
Mullagh Church Tuesday to Friday at 9.15am.

Miltown Church Tuesday to Friday at 10am

Weekend Masses: Miltown on Saturday at 6pm
Mullagh Saturday at 7.30pm
Miltown Sunday at 12.15pm
There will be no 10am Mass in Moy Church and the Lay Led Liturgy in Coore & Quilty Churches have stopped for the moment.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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