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Cascades Community Alert Group

We are registered by the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltach Affairs to apply for the seniors alert grant scheme.  To date we have installed14 Panic Alarm Buttons for the over 65’s in the Parish.  We are also registered to Muintir Na Tire who plan to roll out the Text Alert scheme in the near future.  To help with the registration, Insurance and administration cost we are holding a Fundraising 4 mile family fun walk on Sunday 15th September at 12noon from Craggaknock Cross on Quilty / Doonbeg Road (weather permitting).  Registration at 11.30am – 12 noon.  Adults €5 / Children free.  All are welcome.  For more info call James Egan 087 2884319.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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