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Another Green Flag for Annagh National School

Congratulations to Annagh National School on receiving their 4th International Green Schools Flag on the theme of Travel at the National Award Ceremony held at the Radisson Hotel in Galway recently. Over the past eight years Annagh N.S. has received Green Flags for its environmental programmes in the areas of Litter and Waste Management, Energy, Water and now Travel. The Travel Flag acknowledges the work undertaken by the school over the past two years to encourage students, teachers and parents to walk, cycle, park ‘n stride and carpool, instead of using the private car on the school run. The programme is lead by a committee of very enthusiastic and committed pupils. They are Alice Tubridy, Lucy Flanagan, Brendan Sexton, Tadhg Flynn, Adam Burke, Seán Sexton, Mark Murrihy, Conor Martin, Harry Boyd, Niall Downes, Aoife Talty, Lee Cunningham, Darragh Marrinan, Eoin O’Brien, Joe Campbell, Robby Kinlan, Tallara Shields and Aoibheann Coombes. Among the many initiatives the children participated in was a six week Cycle Training and Safety Programme followed by several cycle excursions in the local area. Parents and children continue to join in Walk on Wednesday and Cycling initiatives enjoying the many health, safety and
environmental benefits of our Travel Programme.

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