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Kilmurry Ibrickane Ladies Club

The KIB Ladies club would like to congratulate the U14 team on winning the Division 1 Shield Final Last Friday evening.  This  final replay was a most exciting game and went down to the wire on a score of KIB 3-6 to Banner 2-8. Both teams gave their all during the match and we thank the girls for their hard work and commitment through out the year well done to all involved: Laura O Donoghue, Clara Baker, Lauren Mc Carthy, Jessisa Doohan, Eilish Conway, Catriona Egan, Sarah Moloney, Caitlin Campbell (Cpt) Deirdre Lynch, Nicole O Doherty(1-0) Eileen Lynch, Amy Sexton, Claudia Doohan, Ciara Hickey(2-5) Ciara Mc Donnell(0-1), Rachel Mangan, Amy Coyne, Laura Byrne, Danille Coyne.

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