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THe Old Kilfarboy Society

The Old Kilfarboy Society has organised a guided walk up Mount Callan for Sunday 29 July 2012.  Booley na Gréine Lake which was the traditional assembly place for the Festival of Lughnasa on Garland Sunday will be on the route.  The megalithic wedge tomb, known locally as Leaba Dhiarmada agus Gráinne and the nearby flagstone with Ogham writing will also be visited.  A modest fee to cover insurance will apply.  Strong footwear and rain gear recommended.  Due to limited car parking spaces, we will meet in Miltown Malbay Church car park at 2pm and travel from there.  All are welcome.  Contact Maura 087 1264527 with any questions.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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