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A Family Liturgy

A family liturgy is planned for the 7pm Christmas Eve Mass in Mullagh Church.  We would like people to give their time to get involved and take part in this special Mass.  If you or any of your family would be willing to take part or help, please make contact with any of the people listed below by Monday 12 December:  Fr. Pat Larkin– 087 2300627, Martin Shanahan-087 7456935, Joe Searson-087 6762023, Connie Sexton-087 9446374, Therese Doohan-087 7533834 or James Egan-087 2884319.  We are looking forward to celebrating this very special time of year so why not get involved.  You would never know, you might enjoy it!  We will also be remembering our loved ones who have emigrated in the recent past.  If you would like loved ones mentioned please put their full name on the sheets which are available in all Churches in the Parish.

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