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IFA – Irish Farmers Association

Mullagh Branch of IFA consists of:
Chairman: Paddy Carey
Secretary: Gregory Rynne
Treasurer: Gerard Sexton
For more information contact the Secretary on 087 7800820.
The IFA Members Services is the division of the Irish Farmers’ Association that is dedicated to providing a range of competitively priced services for all IFA Members to avail of.  The IFA Members services delivers genuine benefits and unbeatable savings for farmers and the rural community.  We promise to treat you fairly and with the utmost respect.  As a valued members of the IFA family we strive to add to your membership, providing a professional and seamless service.  Any small profit made from our services comes straight back to help run your Association.
The Mullagh branch of the IFA has a long and active history in the parish of Kilmurry Ibrickane, an area with three focal points: Coore, Mullagh and Quilty.  However, when the IFA Branch was founded, it was called the Mullagh branch.  The area was well recognised as having highly motivated and very progressive farmers.  It was going to be a good base to build a strong farming organisation.
Available recoreds date back to 1964.  Before that, members who were active in the 1950′s and 1960′s have helped to fill in some of the gaps.  Ambie O’Kelly from the Mullagh Village and Anthony O’Dwyer from Annagh, recalled the first branch meetings from the late 1950′s.  The first Chairman was Jackie O’Kelly RIP, Secretary Ambie O’Kelly RIP and the Treasurer was Michael McNamara RIP.  Their social highlight was their annual ceili dance held every year in the parish hall in Mullagh. 
New members were encouraged to join and by 1964, there were 43 members with a total collection amounting to £24,6 shillings and 6 pence.  In 1965 there was a hugh increase in membership with 136 members.
The big event in 1966 was the long walk to Dublin and the branch was ably represented by its youngest memver, sacrcly out of short pants, Cornelius O’Brien, or more affectionalty known as ‘C’.  He recalls the march to Dublin, starting at Ballycasey Cross, near Shannon and making their way to Limerick, on to Nenagh, Mountrath and finally arriving in Dublin approximately 7 days later.
Two men from Coore have played leading roles in the progression of the branch, Sean Talty and Sean Mungovan.  They were two very dedicated and progressive farmers, men ahead of their time.
Mullagh IFA was one of the first branches to have a lady elected to a position.  Mrs Mary Darcy nee O’Looney RIP, played a prominebt role as an officer in the branch, for a number of years.  JJ Kelly represented our branch at National Level also.  He did tremendous work for the IFA and served in all positions as well as recruiting new members.
Many members are now part time farmers.  The farming wheel has turned full circle with the return to grass production as it was in the 1950′s and 1960′s.  A strong farming organisation is still very necessary and the strong branches are the life blood of the organisation.
As a branch, we owe a great deal of gratitude to our many members who have worked so tirelessy to ensure that Mullagh farmers had a voice when it mattered. The bed of heaven to all our members who have departed life.
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