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Ibrickane Brownies/Guides

Contact: Margaret Cunningham & Therse Doohan

A voluntary organisation with it’s unit based in Mullagh.  The Irish Girl Guides provides an environment where girls from all backgrounds can grow in self confidence and develop a variety of skills in an unpressurised atmosphere.  Through a variety of activities girls are encouraged to develop leadership skills, be involved in decision making and learn practical indoor and outdoor skills.  Brownie Guides:  are aged 6 and a half – 11years.  At the moment we have 15 girls enrolled.  Leaders: Margaret Cunningham & Bethen Darcy.  Guides: are aged from 10 and a half – 15years.  At the moment we have 6 girls enrolled.  Leaders: Therese Doohan & Aine Clancy. Central to all guiding is “The Promise” that girls and adults make: I promise on my honour to do my best, to do my duty to my God and my Country, to help other people at all times and to obey the Guide Law.

The Ibrickane Unit gets involved in local activities and national fundraisers e.g. The people in need telethon, Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal, An Taisce National Spring Clean, St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Natonal Pancake Party for National Childrens Hospital, Tallagh, Dublin.

This year is our Centenary.  A National Fun day was held in Semple Stadium, Thurles to mark the occasion.  A Guinness book of records record breaking attempt to make the longest ‘reef knot’ was unsuccessful.  Over 6,000 attended.  A great day was had by all. 

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