

November 11th, 2022

are getting back threading the boards again with a number of 1 act plays that are ready for casting.  So we would appeal to new members to come along and join our Drama Group either for acting or for off stage support.  We meet every Monday night at 8pm in Mullagh Hall, you would be so welcome to come along and join our group.  If you would like to contact any of the committee please feel free to do so:

Mary McNamara 087 9491690   Ann Lynch 087 9741791

Gregory Rynne 087 7833820

Nonie Sexton nee Hurley

November 6th, 2022

Nonie Sexton, (nee Hurley), Mount Scott, Mullagh, Ennis, Co. Clare.

Peacefully, at her home, surrounded by her family.

Wife of the late Pakie.

Deeply regretted by her loving family, sons Gerard and Joseph, daughters, Mary, Yvonne, Ita, Bernie, Barbara and Nuala, sons-in-law, Martin, John and Paddy, daughters-in-law, Elaine & Liz, sister Bridget (usa), nieces, nephews, adored grandchildren and great-grandchildren, relatives and friends.

May Nonie rest in eternal peace in heaven.

Predeceased also by her son Martin, sisters Mary and Tessie & son-in-law, Jim.

Reposing at St. Mary’s Church, Mullagh, this Tueday evening from 5.30pm with Funeral Prayers at 7.30pm.

Funeral Mass on Wednesday at 12 noon followed by burial afterwards in the adjoining Cemetery.

House private please for family and friends only.

Condolence can be left in the section below.

Nonie’s Mass can be viewed on the kib parish wedcam.

Messages of sympathy can be sent to McMahon Funeral Directors Mullagh.

Blessing of Graves:

October 28th, 2022

Mullagh Church Graveyard – Sunday 6th Nov at 1.30pm

Kilbridget Graveyard – Sunday 6th Nov at 2.30pm

Ballard Graveyard – Sunday 13th Nov at 2pm

Kilfarboy Graveyard – Sunday 13th Nov at 3.30pm

November Remember our Dead

October 28th, 2022

If you would like us to remember your beloved dead during November, you might write their names on the list provided in your box of envelopes and drop them back to us and they will be included in our November masses.

Date for your diary:

October 28th, 2022
Mass for all who died since last November (cut off date 31st October 2022) on Friday 18th of November at 7pm in Mullagh Church.  A cup of Tea will be served after Mass.
Accessibility Statement
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