We hope to apply for the grant to get Personal Alarms for our Senior Citizens. A personal alarm gives you the security to press a button to call for help in the event of an emergency. We would need to get a number of people in order to apply for the grant. If you are interested in a personal alarm please contact Mary 087 6200219.
March 24th, 2023MULLAGH N.S. FUNDRAISER:
March 24th, 2023Our first fundraiser in 3 years will take place on Friday evening, April 28th. The Mullagh N.S. 6km Fun Run/Walk will make its return and we look forward to a very enjoyable and fun evening.
In conjunction with this, we are running a monster raffle. If you have seen the prize list to date, I’m sure you will agree that what’s on offer is just amazing.
Tickets can be bought:
- directly from school by contacting any of the members of staff,
- on the evening of the Fun Run/Walk or
- from our parent volunteers who are very busy selling tickets throughout the local community.
Many thanks to all for your support and help with our fundraising efforts.
March 24th, 2023have organised a scrap steel fundraiser to help raise funds for our new inclusive playground. We are asking people to donate scrap steel, old farm machinery, metal/copper piping, galvanised sheeting etc to the sports field on April 5th to 10th. Your help is greatly appreciated. Contact 087 6471671 for more details.
March 24th, 2023are holding their annual Display and sale of work on Sunday 2nd April from 12 noon to 4pm in the Parish Hall Mullagh. We would appeal to our parishioners to support this dedicated group of workers who work all year long sewing and knitting for the missions. There will be a sale of work of many interesting items: a cake sale, plants, books, home made jam. A raffle will be held for lots of nice prizes / hampers. We would appeal for the generosity of the people in our parish to do some home baking for our cake sale. We look forward to seeing you all on the 2nd April.
March 2nd, 2023Spanish Point have reached the All Ireland Final on Saturday 11th March, we wish the team and mentors the best of luck and we call on everybody to support the team!