
John Howard

May 13th, 2023

John Howard, Dromin, Mullagh, Ennis, Co. Clare. husband of Breda.

Deeply regretted by his loving family, wife, Breda, son, Kieran, daughter, Siobhan, brother, Michael, sisters, Ann and Martina, brothers-in-law, Joe, Trevor, John and Aidan, nephews, Ian, Lyndon and Elwin, nieces, Laura, Kate and Rebecca, grandchildren, Molly, Penny and Willow. Predeceased by his mother, Nancy, father, James, brother, James and sisters, Mary and Monica.

May John rest in eternal peace in Heaven

Reposing in St. Mary’s Church, Mullagh on Tuesday evening from 6pm with funeral prayers at 8pm. Funeral Mass on Wednesday at 11am followed by private cremation at Shannon Crematorium, donations, if desired, to a charity of your choice. Messages of sympathy can be sent to McMahon Undertakers, Mullagh. Condolences may be left in the section below.

John’s Funeral Mass can be viewed by logging onto and clicking webcam.


May 12th, 2023

are happy to launch our iDonate page as we continue to part fund for our new inclusive playground. We feel this new amenity will add great value to our community in the years ahead. Please support if possible on

Offline donations are accepted by contacting any committee member. Thank you for your continued support.

Kilmurry Ibrickane Community Defibrillator Group

May 12th, 2023

would like to thank all those who donated generously to our recent Church gate collection held over the past couple of weekends. The amount raised was €1093.04 . This collection will benefit our community as we recently purchased  Defibrillator cabinets, Batteries, Pads and other essential items that were needed.  Currently we have 3 in our Parish based in Mullagh, Quilty and Coore. We also want to sincerely thank Kilmurry Ibrickane Lotto (Quilty) for their kind donation. None of this would be possible without your generous support.

Within the next couple of weeks we will be linked with The National Ambulance Service, this means when a 999 or 112 call for Emergencies received by the Ambulance Service for anyone in our Parish the defibrillator group will also receive a message and will be in a position to respond.


May 12th, 2023

every evening at 7pm at the grotto at Mullagh Church starting Monday 1st May (weather permitting)


May 12th, 2023

Warm congratulations to Joey McSweeney who recently received his First Holy communion in Kilrush recently.

Warm Congratulation to all our children who received First Holy Communion n this weekend.  Sincere thanks to Ms Cunningham, Mrs Flanagan, Mrs Montgomery and Mrs Sexton for their wonderful preparation of the Children.

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