
Sacristan Collection:

August 17th, 2023

This collection will take place this weekend 19th & 20th August.  We ask for your generous support to our 3 Sacristans:  Anne Hassett Mullagh Church, Enda Rouine Quilty Church & Ber Cleary Coore Church.  We thank our Sacristans for all the time and work they put into looking after our Churches in the Parish.  Please use the purple envelope in your box of envelopes, and circle what Church.  Or any envelope can be used with the Church / Sacristan name on it.


August 17th, 2023

The Last Jackpot was:  €3,600 Numbers 05, 06, 15, 22. No Jackpot Winner: €100 Winner Caoimhin De Paor, Coillte. €20 Winners: Sophie Daly, Seafield. Joanne Fulham, Coore. Rita Ryan, Quilty. PJ & Hanna, Quilty East. Deirdre Galvin, Quilty.  Next Draw Monday 21/08/2023 “Cooneys” and Jackpot will be €3800! Please support KIB Sports Lotto on Lotto tickets are on sale in Beatrice’s XL Shop Quilty, Committee members.


August 17th, 2023

We welcome into our community Éala Bridget Elliott baptised in Coore Church this weekend. Ted Michael & Denis Junior Considine baptised in Quilty Church this weekend. Edward Terence Barker baptised in Quilty Church this weekend.

Mullagh Youth Club 2023-2024

August 17th, 2023

Looking for new 1st year parents to join our team of volunteers to help keep Mullagh Youth Club a success again this year. Call/Text at 087-714 7122 or email

Heinz Henry Becker

August 9th, 2023

Craggane, Quilty and formerly of Mainz Oppheim, Germany.

Husband of the late Irene.

Deeply regretted by his sister Evelyn brother-in-law Hans Gerd, Niece Tabea, Neighbours and many friends.

May He Rest In Peace.

Remains arriving at Star of the Sea Church Quilty at 11am on Saturday morning for Prayers and a Blessing followed by burial in Kilmurray Ibrickane cemetery.

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