Reflection – Today’s Thought

Monday 22nd August

May the blessing of the Son help you do what must be done, May the Spirit stroke your brow as weary down to sleep you go, May the Father mark your rest empower you for tomorrow’s test, May the trinity rekindle the pure flames of your life’s candle.

Sunday 21st August

Healing Waters

Lord, immerse us in the ocean of your love. Bathe us in your cleansing rivers. Soak us in your healing waters. Drench us in your powerful downfalls. Cool us in your bracing baths. Refresh us in your sparkling streams. Master us in your mighty seas. Calm us by your quiet pools.

Saturday 20th August

There is no plant in the ground but tells of your beauty, O Christ. There is no creature on the earth. There is no life in the sea, but proclaims your goodness. There is no bird on the wing. There is no star in the sky. There is nothing beneath the sun, but is full of your blessing. Lighten my understanding of your presence all around, O Christ. Kindle my will to be caring for Creation.

Friday 19th August

Lord,   Let our memory provide no shelter for grievance against another. Lord,   Let our heart provide no harbour for hatred of another.  Lord,  Let our tongue be no accomplice in the judgement of a brother.

Thursday 18th August

Thank you for our legs, As we pilgrimage through life. Thank you for our hands, As we wield bread and knife. Thank you for our bodies, As we see our children grow. Thank you for our faces, In them the Christ we know. Thank you for our eyes, As we wonder at creation. Thank you for our hearts, As we accept your salvation. Amen.

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