You have to know where you’re going and have a plan to get there. And that plan needs to be broken down into small steps that are clear and reachable.
Reflection – Today’s Thought
Thursday 9th February 2012
No matter what the immediate outcome, if you are on God’s timetable, than a long- term outcome is going to be the best.
Wednesday 8th February 2012
When something seems wrong-even a little bit wrong- that is the time to check into it. It’s a smart move to take each glitch seriously, and stop and evaluate before things get really bad.
Tuesday 7th February 2012
Carrying a notebook and pen with you at all times to write down ideas that come to mind can be very helpful in lowering the levels of stress in your life.
Monday 6th February 2012
If you need to decide between giving time to working on a bigger issue or doing a number of smaller things that don’t actually need to be done right then, you’ll probably find that tackling the bigger issue will be more worth it in the long run.