Understanding grows when you stop seeking to be understood.
Reflection – Today’s Thought
Tuesday 28th August
Come Holy Spirit! Come Spirit of life and joy! Come Spirit of hope and healing! Make your home in us this day.
Saturday 11th August 2012
Take a nice, deep breath. Take another one. Now just sit there for a few minutes and think of happy stuff. Forget your troubles. Forget about your concerns for the future. Appreciate the good things in life.
Saturday 7th July 2012
As I live each day may I do my best to make a difference to touch one heart, and through each day may it be my goal to encourage one mind and inspire one soul.
Thursday 5th July 2012
There is no sacrifice that you can make- no matter how tough, no matter how it breaks your heart, no matter how many tears you cry- that God will not more than make up to you.