Reflection – Today’s Thought

Saturday 4th May

Circle me, O Lord, Keep peace within and fear without; Keep trust within and doubt without; Keep light within and darkness without; Keep forgiveness within and hate without. Circle me, O Lord.

Saturday 27th April

Jesus called to his disciples, go and find a special place. Buy the food and set the table. Quiet now, let’s say the grace. “Abba, we have come to praise you As the angels do above. Round the table all together, Here to celebrate your love.” Christy Kenneally

Saturday 20th April

“I thank the countless people who in the silence of their daily service  offer to God their prayers and sufferings for the mission and for missionaries.” Blessed John Paul II

Saturday 13th April

God is not fear; He is peace. He is not worry; He is faith. He is not stress; He is trust. Be all that He is, and you will have the spirit of calm that you desire in your life.

Friday 12th April

It’s a lifelong process to learn to involve God more in your life and work, and to operate in ways that are effective for your spirit- just like staying fit and healthy physically should be a lifelong priority.

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