

We wish all students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation well next Saturday at 12noon in Mullagh Church . ‘Send your Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and guide. Give them the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of right judgement and courage, the Spirit of knowledge and reverence. Fill them with the [...]

Confirmation 2017

Please note time for Confirmation on Saturday 27th May is 12noon in Mullagh Church.

Junior Seisiún

Our Junior Seisiún, led by Joe Searson each month in Moroney’s has come to an end for the Summer. We look forward to seeing everyone back again in September.

Thank You

A huge thank you to all who supported the Alzheimers Tea Day held recently in Mullagh Sportsfield. Total amount raised €540.00.

Fatima Centenary

To Celebrate the 1917, 6 apparitions of Our Lady, there will be 6 Rosary Days, 1 per month in The Star of The Sea Church, Quilty beginning on Saturday 13th May from 10am to Mass at 7pm. Our Lady appeared in 1917 to three young children Lucia 10yrs, Francisco 9yrs & Jacinte 7yrs. Come spend [...]

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