
Mullagh Parish Office

Mullagh Parish Office will be closed from Friday 22nd December and will reopen Monday 8th January 2018 at 9.30am.

Parish Envelopes

A new supply of envelopes will be available over the Christmas period. As you know, we have had a lot of difficulties with our supply of envelopes this year. For 2018 we have a new printer and we have restructured the parish envelope system and hopefully made it a little simpler and more streamlined. It [...]

Schedule of Masses over the next weeks

Weekend December 16th & 17th as normal Quilty National School Nativity play during 7.15 pm Quilty Mass Sat. December 16th . Weekend 23rd & 24th December As Christmas eve falls on a Sunday the following are the times for Masses . Saturday 23rd December – Quilty 7.15pm Sunday 24th— One Morning Mass Mullagh 10am. (not [...]

Bambilelli Sunday – Baby Jesus Sunday

Every year on one of the Sundays of Advent, families bring the figure of the Baby Jesus to St. Peter’s Square in Rome for the Pope to bless. It is called “Bambinelli Sunday”. Many homes in our parish still give a central place to the crib among their Christmas decorations. On Sunday 17th December we [...]

Feast of Christ the King

Join tens of thousands on the COASTS OF IRELAND on the Feast of Christ the King on this Sunday November 26th at 5pm at Seafield Pier for all the Parish to pray the rosary for the protection of Life and the preservation of Faith in Ireland.

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