We have our WebCam up and running now in Mullagh Church. We hope to have Mass on this Saturday night at 7.30pm. Please pass on the word about the WebCam to others. Particularly those who are away from home in other parts of the world. It will be wonderful to have it on the day [...]
Mass time for the week – Mon 25th May to Sunday 31st May
Mass on the Radio 105FM Tuesday to Friday at 10am (Please pass the word) Saturday Mass at 7.30pm on Webcam from Mullagh Church Log onto www.kibparish.ie and click on ‘View our webcam’ on the right. If you miss Saturday evenings Mass, you can watch it back on our Website. Sunday Mass at 11am on 105FM [...]
Killaloe Knock Pilgrimage
Please join us for the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday May 24th at 2.45 pm from the Basilica in Knock. This year the pilgrimage is a virtual pilgrimage and you can join in spiritual communion from the Knock Shrine Webcam. Click on the link to watch Knock Shrine Webcam A special diocesan message of [...]
Kilmurry Ibrickane Parish Webcam
Our sincere thanks to a parishioner who would like to remain anonymous who has made a donation towards our Webcam. If you would like to make a donation towards our webcam you can drop it off at the Parish Office. Our webcam cost €3440.50 so all donations would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesdays on the Web Kilmurry Ibrickane & Miltown Parish
For the next number of Wednesdays we hope to do a prayer service at 8pm each Wednesday—Log onto www.kibparish.ie and click on ‘View our Webcam’ on the top right of the page. We ask you to send in your petitions to us to the Parish Offices on both Parishes (seal them in an envelope and [...]