Community Liturgy at 9.30am
(These are the deferred April Anniversary Masses) Joseph & Michael Burke Michael McInerney, Quilty & Limerick Martin & Delia Shanahan Paddy & Mary Comber, Carhuligane The deceased members of the Maloney & Neenan Families, Lissynealon Michael Darcy, Macroon & formerly Mountscott Bill & Phyllis Looby Johnny & Bridie Murray, Shandrum Dan Sexton, Doonogan Castle Peggy [...]
Safety Measures
We warmly welcome everybody back. We are concerned for the safety of everybody so at a recent Pastoral Council meeting we decided on the following safety measures: Hand sanitisers are available at each church. We ask you to avail of these as you enter the Church. We ask you to adhere to social distancing by [...]
Mass Times for this Week Monday 6th July
Weekday Mass times: Mullagh Church Tuesday to Friday at 9.15am. Miltown Church Tuesday to Friday at 10am For the moment we will go with Mullagh Church for Mass on Saturday evenings at 7.30pm. We will review how things go and look at the other two Churches as things develop. Weekend Masses: Miltown on Saturday at [...]
Return to Public Masses
Morning Masses will resume on Tuesday 30th June at 9.15am in Mullagh Church and 10am Mass in Miltown Church. Weekend Masses will resume on the weekend of 4th/5th July. We will have an outside speaker if people want to hear Mass in the Church yard. Mass in Mullagh & Miltown Church will be live on [...]