Starting Tuesday 25th April at Miltown Malbay Campus, Ballard Road. This group aims to support families with their children’s early learning in a fun and enjoyable way. Sessions include story time, music and movement, treasure baskets and story bags. Each family will receive a book to take home at the end of each session. Classes [...]
Drugs awareness talk for parents will take place on Wednesday 31st of May at 8pm in Miltown Malbay Community Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Community Playground
The committee of Mullagh Sports Field would like to sincerely thank everyone for their time and effort in helping to run a successful scrap steel collection last weekend. €4000 was raised. Without your support, it would not have happened. Thank you to all involved.
Mullagh Entire Drama Group
Mullagh Entire Drama Group As the curtains come down for 2023 we would like to thank everyone who attended our 2023 performances of “A cure for nerves” and “Last Tango in Mullagh”. Sincere thanks to everyone who helped out in any way and to our local businesses who gave spot prizes for our raffles. Each [...]
are holding their annual Display and sale of work on this Sunday 2nd April from 12 noon to 4pm in the Parish Hall Mullagh. We would appeal to our parishioners to support this dedicated group of workers who work all year long sewing and knitting for the missions. There will be a sale of work [...]