
Anniversary Masses

The date for August is Saturday 30th in Quilty Church and Sunday 31st in Mullagh & Coore Churches. The other weekend Masses are kept for First Anniversaries and Months Minds. Please contact the parish Office 065 7087161 from 9.30am to 1.30pm Monday to Friday if you would like to book a Mass.

Coore Church

Work on the roof and plastering work on the outside wall of Coore Church will commence next week. Scaffolding will have to be erected to access the roof and to facilitate the plastering. We apologise for any inconvenience caused for the duration of the work.

21st August 2014

We congratulate and wish every blessing to Niamh Daly & Trevor Norris who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Quilty by Fr. George Balfe.

16th August 2014

We congratulate and wish every blessing to Niamh Mooney & Brian McPhillips who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Quilty by Fr. Des Hillery.

8th August 2014

We congratulate and wish every blessing to Victoria McNamara & Ross O’Loughlin who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Quilty by Fr. Tom Carroll.

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