
Easter Ceremonies

Mullagh Holy Thursday 7pm, Good Friday 3pm & Easter Vigil Holy Saturday at 7pm. Easter Sunday Dawn Mass in Spanish Point which will be organised jointly by Mullagh & Miltown Malbay parishes. Easter Sunday Masses Coore 9.30 am & Quilty 11am. No Easter Sunday Mass in Mullagh.

Ida Sexton Unveiling Plaque outside Mullagh Hall for her daughter Marie Sexton

Plaque outside Mullagh Hall in Memory of Marie Sexton, in appreciation for all her work done here in the Parish, from Mullagh Hall, Mullagh Entire Drama Group & Mullagh Sportsfield.  The plaque was designed and made by James Brew of YewCraft.

20th February 2016

We Welcome into God’s Family and the Christian Community Ava Marie McCarthy who was baptised in The Church of the Most Holy Redeemer. Guarded with tenderness, guided with love, Gently watched over by heaven above.  Happily walking or safely at rest. May your precious baby forever be blessed.

Best of luck to Mullagh Entire Drama Group

In their production of, Separate Beds, a 3 act comedy by Sam Cree, they will perform in Mullagh Hall on Friday 19 , Sunday 21st and Saturday 27th of February, door 7.30pm, curtain 8.30pm sharp!!! Looking forward to seeing you all there, the group will also compete at festivals in Doonbeg, Scariff and Holycross in [...]

13th February 2016

We welcome into God’s Family and the Christian Community April Margaret O’Shea who was baptised in The Star of the Sea Church. Guarded with tenderness, guided with love. Gently watched over by heaven above. Happily walking or safely at rest, may your precious baby forever be blessed.

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