
Mullagh Entire Drama Group

Mullagh Entire Drama Group As the curtains come down for 2023 we would like to thank everyone who attended our 2023 performances of “A cure for nerves” and “Last Tango in Mullagh”. Sincere thanks to everyone who helped out in any way and to our local businesses who gave spot prizes for our raffles. Each [...]

John O’Gorman

The death has occurred of John O’ Gorman, Tiermana, Mullagh, Co. Clare, Peacefully, in his 93rd year, in the loving care of his wife Teresa and his loving children Vincent, Thomas, Anne, Martin, Susan and Sean, his sons in law David Morrissey and Gary Troy, his daughter in law Karen O’Gorman. Cherished and truly missed [...]


are holding their annual Display and sale of work on this Sunday 2nd April from 12 noon to 4pm in the Parish Hall Mullagh.  We would appeal to our parishioners to support this dedicated group of workers who work all year long sewing and knitting for the missions.  There will be a sale of work [...]


have organised a scrap steel fundraiser to help raise funds for our new inclusive playground. We are asking people to donate scrap steel, old farm machinery, metal/copper piping, galvanised sheeting etc to the sports field on April 5th to 10th. Your help is greatly appreciated. Contact 087 6471671 for more details.

Easter Holy Week Ceremonies 2023

Holy Thursday Miltown Church at 6.30pm  – 105.2fm  http://www.miltownmalbayparish.ie/web-cam/ Mullagh Church at 8pm www.kibparish.ie/webcam Good Friday Miltown Church at 3pm  105.2fm  http://www.miltownmalbayparish.ie/web-cam/ Quilty Church at 3pm Stations of the Cross at St. Josephs Well at 7pm Holy Saturday Mullagh Church at 7pm  www.kibparish.ie/webcam Miltown Church 9pm   105.2fm  http://www.miltownmalbayparish.ie/web-cam/ Easter Sunday Dawn Mass in Spanish Point [...]

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