and her four piece band will perform live at Miltown Malbay Community Centre on Friday, June 2nd, at 8pm. Tickets are available from the centre, and online via Eventbrite. Email: for tickets and more info.
Mullagh N.S. 6km Fun Run/Walk & Monster Raffle:
Many thanks to all who helped make our fundraising event such a success last weekend. If you sold tickets, sourced or sponsored prizes, helped with refreshments or joined us on the evening to take part in the event we are truly grateful. Without your support it would not have been the huge success it was. We [...]
Primary Game:
Best of luck to 6th class pupil Calum Hogan who will represent Mullagh N.S. when he lines out with the Primary Game team at half time in the Munster Football Final this weekend at the Gaelic Grounds, Limerick. What an honour to be chosen for such a big game. We are so proud of you [...]
Darkness into Light Swim
in Spanish Point Beach on Saturday 6th May at 4.45am. join June and Snámhai Sásta community as we take a dip to remember those who have died by suicide and those who are struggling right now
Miltown Malbay Community Centre
Dawn Walk in Miltown Malbay, Sat 6th May at 4.15am. Begins & Ends @ Community Centre. Bring a high viz & torch. Donations can be made on the day. Walk 5k together with a family member, friend or with a group, at sunrise in solidarity with those who are struggling to cope. #dawnwalk #miltownmalbay